Dragon Ball Super fans are eagerly waiting for Dragon Ball Super Episode 115 and 116. As DBS 115 is titled “Kale and Caulifa Fuse! Super Saiyan Blue Defeated?!” and we will talk about the details of DBS episode 116 later in this article. Dragon Ball Super episode 114 was mainly focused on Goku, Caulifla and Kale and later Kefla. However we got to see little Vegeta, Toppo and Jiren as well.

Tournament of power is getting even more interesting as more time passes, at the moment more than 27 minutes are passed in the tournament of power and roughly 21 minute remains.

Dragon Ball Super 116 is going to be mainly focused on 3 warriors, Jiren, Goku and Kefla. From recent spoilers we got, Kefla easily overpowers Goku’s Super Saiyan God form, in her base form. Goku later transforms into Super Saiyan Blue to fight powered up Kefla but in answer to that even Kefla powers up and Super Saiyan Blue is easily pushed back.

Kefla is so strong that she attracts Jiren’s attention too. Goku is cornered by Kefla and in answer to that, Goku uses Ultra Instinct technique, and that attracts Jiren’s attention even more and Jiren steps up to fight powered up Ultra Instinct Goku and probably Kefla as well.

Remember that the more Kefla powers up the faster fusion will end. When Goku and Vegeta fused and became Vegito, their fusion was over within 5 miniutes because the Potara were not able to handle the insane amount of power of Super Saiyan Blue.

Here is the leaked screenshot for Dragon Ball Super Ep 116, and dbs 116 is titled “The Comeback Omen” Ultra Instinct’s Great Explosion! And if you look closely at the photo you can see the Ultra Instinct Hair is actually a bit different than before, this may be my thinking only but this is highly possible for Goku to use Ultra Instinct while he’s in Super Saiyan God or Super Saiyan Blue form as Ultra Instinct is not a form but a technique.

Dragon Ball Super 116 will air on 9:00 AM JST November 19th, Sunday.