There is no doubt that the Grand Priest is the most powerful combatant in the whole Dragon Ball Multiverse. You can’t even compare Beerus or even Whis to the power of the Grand Priest. Although Zeno-sama is a different story when it comes to battles, he can erase almost anything, even a whole Universe. There is no doubt that they are the big bosses of all the things existing in DBverse.

When you think about it, they are also the most bored characters in the anime. This is very evident when you take a look at the two Zenos who made destroying planets their past time. And to satiate their boredom, they do all sort of things that are entertaining to them, and one of this is the Tournament of Power.

The Tournament of Power is so far the greatest tournament in all existing anime in a sense that what is on the stakes is not only the fate of Earth but the whole Universe. Of course, we DB fans are betting on Universe 7 to win this tournament. But there is one thing that is keeping Universe 7 away from its victory: Jiren the Gray. If you think Jiren is the villain of the series, then you’re wrong.

The real villain of Dragon Ball Super’s Tournament of Power is not Jiren. In fact, he is also a victim, much like Goku and everyone else. The Grand Priest is not also the main villain of this arc it seems to be shown in the manga that he doesn’t even want the Tournament of Power in the first place. The main villain of the Tournament of Power is no other than the two Zeno-samas.

How did these two cute and childish Gods become the villain? Because Tournament of Power is only for their own amusement. The tournament might be a chance for lower universes to have a shot for survival, but it is also an evil way just to get amusement. When you make a hunger games analogy, Zeno is the one who controls the hunger games and the warriors are the participants.