Why We Will See Vegito NOT Gogeta In The Tournament of Power
The recent episode of Dragon Ball Super introduced a lot of new stuff to us. First of, we now know that fusion is not only a possibility, but a probability now. When the Tournament of Power began, of course, the idea of fusion came up. But, I’m sure most people thought that we will see a fusion dance. Of course, even now, it is a possibility.

However, with the latest episode, a completely new concept was introduced, with the possibility of the Potara. As Kale and Caulifla are fighting Goku, we see that they are actually getting ready for fusion. According to some sources, it is going to be Champa who has given them the Potara earrings. When Kale and Caulifla fuse, he’ll be the one commanding them to do “it”.

First, I think fusion will be very important in the Tournament of Power. The reason is simple; Jiren. I think Jiren is someone even Ultra Instinct Goku cannot take some. The thing is, we don’t know how much Jiren’s power level is. There was no implication that Jiren was using his full power. Even when Goku does use Ultra Instinct, I think it’ll be extremely hard for him to win against Jiren.

He literally landed just two blows on Jiren, and he didn’t even flinch. Further, there are only 23 minutes left in the Tournament of Power. I don’t jink Goku will recuperate completely, so there is a chance Goku will never reach his full strength.

This is why I think the need for fusion arises. To take down Jiren, Goku and Vegeta will have to fuse. So, there’s a chance we will see Gogeta. However, now that Potara have been introduced, I think it is likelier that we will see Vegito. For one, Vegito is more powerful, and the last time they fused vs Zamasu, it was said that Vegito was stronger than Beerus, in Vegito Blue form. So, because of the way Jiren has been hyped, I think Vegito will be necessary to take him down.

I’m sure that Gogeta will also be an equally good option, but, to me, it seems like Vegito is liked better among the fans, and it is a lot cooler than Gogeta. Further, we could also be seeing Ultra Instinct Vegito in the Tournament of Power as well. If that happens, then Vegito will be extremely high up the power rankings, because Vegito Blue was said to be stronger than Beerus. Ultra Instinct Vegito should be angel level, at the very least.